The Mawakhat program is based on the Islamic principle of Qarze-e-Hasna, which encourages Muslims to help those in need with interest-free loans. Through the program, Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan aims to promote this principle as a viable model for poverty alleviation and to institutionalize the spirit of brotherhood. The Mawakhat Program is helping families and individuals alleviate poverty and promote interest-free loans as a viable model for poverty alleviation. It provides social guidance, capacity building, and entrepreneurial training to its beneficiaries, enabling them to become self-reliant and financially stable.
Your zakat and sadqat can bring hope to families in need, empowering them to become self-sufficient. Donate now to Alkhidmat Mawakhat Program and help us fight poverty and make a difference in someone’s life today.
International Aghosh Foundation is here to ensure that you or someone you know gets the assistance and help they need to learn and grow as a person and into a career they enjoy. We are doing all we can to help our nation grow. We will continue to reach out and assist those in low-income communities and areas find the help they need to get and stay ahead.
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